Restrictions on logging online

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Restrictions on logging online

Post by RA::LUNG »

I went to play Project Reality on the HOG server and it kept kicking me out after a couple of minutes in game, I thought it was a problem with the game so I kept trying several times and on another server the name escapes me but same problem. So I uninstalled the game reinstalled and upon logging in and bring up options for local game online there was no online option. When I clicked on it it said there are restrictions on you account so I logged onto steam after recovering my password and Requested why I was something called VAC banned. I have not played a game on the steam platform for over 20 years other than when pr went to login on via steam. I have never used a cheat of any sort I use to admin on several servers Including HOG CIA HARDCORE and have never been involved in this type of activity and I'm a bit on the older side and this type of behavior is against anything I stand for but am not understanding what is going on. If anyone can put me in touch with the Project Reality People it would be greatly appreciated.

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