FCS and CAS heli dogfights

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FCS and CAS heli dogfights

Post by PBAsydney »

As great as the constant adjustment FCS on CAS helicopter guns is against ground targets, it makes the gun almost useless in air to air engagements, as taking the crosshair off the enemy helicopter to lead your shots results in the range resetting.

Would be nice if we could manually turn off the auto range feature.
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Re: FCS and CAS heli dogfights

Post by Mats391 »

The easiest solution for us would be to remove the auto-ranging and make helicopters require to manually range by pressing C like tanks do. That system is already set up to keep updating to factor in vehicle speed, rolling and target height. Even when engaging ground targets the range to target should not change that fast, so you probably only need to lase once per engagement.
Only issue: Choppers use C to zoom, would have to switch them to X

Mineral: TIL that Wire-guided missiles actually use wire
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