Outside of computers I love rock climbing and try and get out and do this right through the nice part of the year, partly as it is a great way to spend the summer and takes me to places I would otherwise never choose to go, and partly so I can justify lurking in a dark room watching a screen all winter! If it means anything to anyone, I can struggle up 7a on a very good day (thats about 5.11 for the Yanks) and trad climb at mainly bimbly grades!
Anyway, here is some of the stuff I've done or am in the process of doing for PR. Most of this you will recognise, what you dont comes with the usual WIP, subject to change sticker

Ammo boxes. Originally designed to be dumped out of vehicles, but MJPatterson found a decent way to stop a single box sliding downhill, so most of this was ditched for the single box. This was made from a high poly model baked down onto a low poly mesh.

Fuzz asked me to make a new supply crate that contained most of what you might find to make a firebase. I went away and had a play and cobbled this together, and eventually came up with the supply crates we have today. The shot above is the high poly objects that were baked down to produce the low poly version below.

Finally, here are some WIP shots from the BTR-80 I am making at present. The model was started by [R-DEV]Undies and I got the opportunity to finish it off and texture it, these are some screens from fairly recently. As with all the Russian kit I have been working under the expert guidance of [R-DEV]Nosferatu who makes sure everything is tickety boo. Without him this would probably be pink and covered in communist stars....

I hope this give you a bit more of an idea of who I am and what I am up to. Of course I have not given away everything that I am working on, so stay tuned for 0.9 surprises!