I'd like to inform you that although Russian forces subforum was moved in archive, community development for Russian forces lives and wins! I have many steaming pots on my hot-plate and one of them contains WIP vehicles on MT-LB chassis made by promising community member DankE_SPB.
Behold and shiver:

From left to right:
- Give it up for "Strela-10M3" anti air vehicle, covers Russian armored fist on march, ready to land couple of hot shots
- MT-LBM with 12.7mm NSVT machine gun, 300 rounds of pure rock'n'roll
- MT-LB itself, amphibious APC armed with PKT. Because of high mobility this mule was chosen as platform for vehicles with various purposes
- "Shturm-S" tank killer, this vehicle became famous as COIN asset when it's HE missiles were used to destroy Chechen rebels in covers