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New Korengal opinions
Posted: 2010-02-06 06:55
by CodeRedFox
Hey guys,
Please give my your opinions of the new Korengal. I'm not looking for bugs or errors right now just the over all feeling. Any battle AAR would be great.
Posted: 2010-02-06 12:27
by Sniper77shot
Posted: 2010-02-06 12:31
by EnermaX
Haven't played it yet :/
Posted: 2010-02-06 12:31
by killonsight95
not bad it is better than the last ver but there are problems for example not being able to get accross the river withouy extreme diffeculty
Posted: 2010-02-06 12:42
by eggbloke
I loved the old Korengal but I haven't played the new Korengal. It seems no one wants to play it.
Being able to manoeuvre has always been a problem but I thought that was kind of the point of the map
Posted: 2010-02-06 15:39
by Gore
eggbloke;bt3198 wrote:IIt seems no one wants to play it.
It'll come, people are all hyped over the new maps. I haven't tried Korengal yet either.
Posted: 2010-02-06 17:42
by psychickactivity
Bonjour [R-DEV]CodeRedFox i play Korengal 5 mn because my connection out , but i can see the new US Base , tht s very nice , the short time i play like a post in state of siege ( hope my english is good).
I try to go outside , but very good enemy front of us .
Tonight i have time to play .And hope havent disconnection.
And i try to explain what i feel.
Posted: 2010-02-06 18:32
by Zach1923
Feels more organized, I played as insurgent last night. It is way easier for BluFOR to get caches which makes defending the caches a more important task for the Op-For. Over all it is better than it was in .87, good work.

Posted: 2010-02-06 19:49
by boilerrat
I haven't played it yet.
But from .87 it felt like the US base was a small village instead of a hesco FORTRESS!!!
Movement up hills as taliban was really hard, gameplay was dumbingly slow.
Overall didn't enjoy it.
Posted: 2010-02-06 19:57
by Dorkweed
It seemed to be very difficult to get a FOB across the river about halfway or so into the match, most of the US forces seemed to get stuck on the northern half of the map, but no worries, we can swim.
Posted: 2010-02-06 20:06
by Porto
The new Korengal definitely feels much better than the previous version. I actually enjoyed playing it this time. Not that it wasn't good before, it's just that I found it extremely frustrating when playing as BluFor. That's all changed now...
I played last night on the Hardcore Insurgency server (it was full). I joined the game a little late and was automatically placed on BluFor. There were already 3 or 4 caches destroyed, and we had a ton of tickets left. I was immediately impressed by the new base. I felt so secure, I didn't wanna leave. The team had also setup around 4 FO's!
Our squad spent the remainder of the round defending one of the FO's. I don't know if it's just me, but it feels like the lighting has changed or something. The OpFor was much more concealed in the shadows & trees and what-not. We had some intense fighting in the top-left corner of the map. I don't think our squad was able to get a cache, but the rest of the team sure didn't seem to have a problem. They were quickly going down left & right! It almost felt too easy. Needless to say, we won with plenty of tickets to spare. I wish I had a screenshot of the final score list.
Now, I look forward to playing on that map again. Good job with the updates.

Posted: 2010-02-06 20:21
by DesmoLocke
The map is still great. I haven't played it as U.S. yet but I hear the main base changes are awesome. I am just concerned that the 25 tickets per cache for the BLUFOR is too much. I feel 15 would have been better. The number of caches seems to be spot on unless you get someone who accidentally takes one out with an IED.
So, the map still plays great. I just think the Insurgency changes give the BLUFOR more of an advantage which will take some time getting used to.
Posted: 2010-02-06 20:22
by Zach1923
Yeah that was me and my squad you were fighting in the top left corner of the map last night!
Good fight! Was a fun round.
Posted: 2010-02-06 23:24
by CodeRedFox
Thanks all, I can only get so much player testing from the testers (kinda busy guys) and a real world gameplay helps.
Posted: 2010-02-07 00:49
by dragunover
Way too slow, neither side ever really does anything productive....
Posted: 2010-02-07 01:06
by badmojo420
Played one and a half rounds on it and I'm still undecided. First one i was Taliban and despite our intense defenses and lots of US killed, we still ended up losing the match with the US having over 100 tickets at the end. If it was .87 with 10tickets per cache and 10 needed, it would have been a closer game.
But, then last night I joined half way into a round and got put on BluFor. It sucked, we were basically pinned down in our main by Taliban on the ridge line to the north. 1 squad was wondering around in the south and the rest of the team was getting picked off 1 by 1 inside the main base. In about 15minutes we went from over a hundred tickets to zero.
Posted: 2010-02-07 01:23
by CodeRedFox
The cache point thing unfortunately I have no control over as its a "whole game" setting. My goal has always been that Korengal will be played very different depending on who's playing. So if you were pinned the whole round, well that can happen, I just hope its doesn't...always happen.
The big issue that burns us is that the stationary guns cant be reloaded/resupplied. lame hardcode thing.
Posted: 2010-02-07 15:29
by dunem666
I like the new korengal very much... has a nice sutble change to it and like the features.
I noticed the new road too which make the map much more accessible from lower regions now there is no mainbase and will make game much more interesting.
p.s the new road didnt show up on my minimap.
good works

Posted: 2010-02-08 02:10
by CodeRedFox
I forgot to update the minimap

oh well
Posted: 2010-02-08 17:35
Haven't played yet Redfox, but tried to avoid it last time, I will try and have a go tonight and my deepest respect for posting this personal style thread, such commitmet to OUR fun thx man.