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Epic view distance is epic

Posted: 2011-05-23 15:29
by AncientMan

Since unfortunately the BF2 engine seems to be limited to ~3000m view distance, I had to stitch together multiple images to fit in all of Shijia Valley's amazing detail. Took a fair while to do, and cruising about at around 10 fps because of the huge view distance doesn't speed things up either, too many trees :(.

It looked something like this once stitched together, then I had to do some work in photoshop to fix up the edges. The above image is then used in the map overviews for displaying gameplay related information.

Congrats to [R-DEV]AFsoccer for this amazing looking map, and also on his recent promotion to Mapping Manager. Hopefully everyone will enjoy the map in v0.96 :).

Posted: 2011-05-23 15:31
by Robbi

When is 0.96 coming!!!!! :/

Posted: 2011-05-23 16:52
by Sniper77shot
Ooh Loooking good nice job.

Posted: 2011-05-23 16:55
by iAllex
HUUUUUuuuuuuge! o.O ... Awesome, Thank you AFsoccer and PR staff!

Posted: 2011-05-23 17:32
by mockingbird0901
Looks like an interesting map. Can't wait to try it. Looking forward to AASv4 as well :grin:

Posted: 2011-05-23 17:55
by Hotrod525
this sould become the "standart map" for Commander, acting as a "blue force tracker" ill will look alot better. Even for SL map ! :D

Posted: 2011-05-23 18:13
by Doc.Pock
soo cool ancient and AF

Posted: 2011-05-23 18:49
by TheAssProtectors.Nr1
I'm enjoying the map already!

Posted: 2011-05-23 21:18
by =Romagnolo=
This map is looking beautiful.

I'd like to know more about 0.96

Posted: 2011-05-23 21:21
by Arnoldio
This beggs for 128p.

Posted: 2011-05-24 01:16
by Web_cole
I say, looking forward to this :D

Posted: 2011-05-24 01:20
by Shovel
This is awesome.
I had no idea that that much work went into every map overview.

Posted: 2011-05-24 05:05
by cyberzomby
Looking amazing!

Posted: 2011-05-24 05:33
by kstep

Posted: 2011-05-24 07:52
by BloodyDeed
@Shovel, this is a special map overview, not the one you usually see.
But it looks so great.

Posted: 2011-05-24 08:57
by AtlantisThief
That is mean! Can't wait for the map and for the next version :)

Posted: 2011-05-24 17:54
by Redamare
lol Woot Image Cut up :D lol good work though cant believe it didnt crash . .. or DID it? ;)

Posted: 2011-05-24 21:02
by FakeBlood
Good job guys. Can't wait now... :)

Posted: 2011-05-25 02:34
by AFsoccer
Nice job AM. :)

Posted: 2011-05-26 03:24
by AncientMan
Most 4km maps are extremely hard to take the map overview image of, especially maps that have lots of trees. Even 2km maps can be difficult depending on the complexity of the map. But after applying lots of tweaks, turning stuff off (like overgrowth) until you're ready to take the shot, and having done it lots of times before, it gets easier. Still, it's pretty time consuming.

As for the actual map overviews, they also aren't that simple to do, especially when one map has many layers. I actually recently made a program to help gather the required information to make the map overviews, which has drastically reduced the time required to make them, but it still takes quite some time for all the maps in PR, and all their many, many layers. There's 139 individual map overviews in 0.96...

Actually, from my experience, taking load background shots is more difficult. Either the map is really detailed, like this map, or there's not much detail at all. In both cases, it can be quite difficult to find areas that provide a good image. For Shijia's load backgrounds, I was flying around for at least an hour, just to take 4 shots... Then there's the edits required to the shots, etc...

It's a lot more difficult and time consuming than most people think. Quite a lot of thought and detail goes into each and every map overview, and more so, every load background. It's not as simple as taking a few shots, pressing a few buttons, and job done ;).