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Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 02:42
by 2Slick4U
Hello and welcome to the Project Reality Highlights Reel #5! We hope everyone had a great holiday and would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous new year. While being the first reel of 2010, this will be the last regular update before the official release of Project Reality v0.9. We are currently testing release candidate builds, so the PR v0.9 release is close at hand and will hopefully be out before the end of this month! Now, let's get on with the highlights and build up some anticipation!

- PR v0.9 Map Loading Screens
A peek at the upcoming maps in Project Reality v0.9. These slightly edited screen shots are the background images that show on the loading screen, when loading into the specific map.
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- New US Army Kit Geometries
Since the vanilla Battlefield 2 kits are simple and do not offer a lot of diversion, a proper replacement was needed. The all new US Army kit geometries aim to reflect their real life counterparts and improve distinction between the various kits.
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- New Russian Forces Kit Geometries
The infantry of the Russian Forces are now fully kitted out with proper kit geometries. Every detail from GRAD vests, to PKM pouches, to RPG backpacks has been included for authenticity.
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- Other Featured Highlights That is by far not all, so feel free to browse both The PR Highlights Forum and The Dev Blogs for more unshown goodies!

Now sit back and hold tight for the Project Reality v0.9 release! See you on the battlefield!

- The Project Reality Team

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 02:47
by Spuz36
Lookin snazzy :thumbsup:

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 02:57
by Meki
That poor guys face, (RussianKit Geo's Screen #2) Did he run into a brick wall?

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 03:00
by Lawer01
End of the month? Woot! This made my day thx. :-D

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 03:16
by zulu2203
Oh god, win.

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 03:23
by gazzthompson
end of the month?!?! amazing, cant wait!

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 03:34
by QCRulzz
Good job, but the flag... The US patch is reverse.

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 03:35
by Ford_Jam
Sex. Absolute Sex!

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 03:46
by Stiller_001
haha! yes! good news will be looking forward to the end of the month

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 03:54
by Zulnex
Wonderful news indeed. :grin:
PR Dev. team, thank you very much for your amazing work.

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 04:03
by Bamtoman
I just jizzed mentally to the new US army skins

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 04:38
by rangedReCon
Damn the new USA kit geometries are sexilicious! Great job to all the people involved, I'm sure the release of 0.9 will make me finally go get a new mic.

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 04:38
by ryan d ale
Okay, I think I may have found a problem with this.

Despite the wonderful news that .9 is very near I wouldn't be surprised if other eagle eyed forum members noticed that the up-armored humvee author says that it will not make .9 and so posting in it in a hihglights reel would seem strange but I do understand it could make it in a further release of .9 (a patch).

Any official word on this?

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 04:43
by alec89
[R-DEV]2Slick4U wrote:this will be the last regular update before the official release of Project Reality v0.9. We are currently testing release candidate builds, so the PR v0.9 release is close at hand and will hopefully be out before the end of this month! Now, let's get on with the highlights and build up some anticipation!
omg, that is nice to hear :)

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 04:51
by alec89
I also noticed Russian kit screenshot #2 has the mi8 chopper with the navy flag, meaning Russia is attacking from the sea. The US kits look awesome btw!

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 05:00
by Sgt.ViperMax
QCRulzz wrote:Good job, but the flag... The US patch is reverse.
Why Is The Army Flag Patch Reversed?

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 05:11
by Gunner4712

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 05:17
by chilean
PR team you did it again, Change that **** of vanilla BF2 to an god dang amazing Game.

keep it up, I hope a big developer takes PR and create it as a Game and not like a mod would be fantastic , New grapich you already at is dang too good, vehicles , the Bradley Looks amazing also the Humvee but im gonna still miss the Harrier good plane well nothing else to say.

Thank you guys Keep up the great work!! PR 9.0 Kicks every Game *** including MW2 and BFMC2 (both dont have dedicated server that Sucks!)

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 05:19
by chilean
chilean wrote:PR team you did it again, Change that **** of vanilla BF2 to an god dang amazing Game.

keep it up, I hope a big developer takes PR and create it as a Game and not like a mod would be fantastic , New grapich you already at is dang too good, vehicles , the Bradley Looks amazing also the Humvee but im gonna still miss the Harrier good plane well nothing else to say.

Thank you guys Keep up the great work!! PR 9.0 Kicks every Game *** including MW2 and BFBC2 (both dont have dedicated server that Sucks!)
had to change something couldnt find the Edit messege thing

Re: Project Reality Highlights Reel #5

Posted: 2010-01-18 05:23
by BloodBane611
Awesome news! Can't wait to play 0.9, here's fingers crossed for before the end of the month