Zero point Nine
will it end up doing more than fine
in the art of commanding
a force of players
always in the fight
reaching out for that planned
Victory Line
will it end up doing more than fine
in the art of commanding
a force of players
always in the fight
reaching out for that planned
Victory Line
1. Mutiny is less fun for the "CO"
- How do you think this system will affect the rounds having bad commanders?Added new commander mutiny system accessible to Squad Leaders
- Will new players think twice now, before applying to play the position?
- Should there be a thread in the forums, using screenshoots from this new system, to warn the community about players having been kicked out X times of X rounds?
2. Flexibility is a funny word
Added Armored Command Vehicle (ACV) for all factions, this replaces all Command Trailers for most factions and is where you can use the UAV (Carriers still have command post)
Removed requirement for Commander to be in the Command Post/ACV to use his Command Screen. Commander can now use his Command Screen anywhere (but still needs to be in the ACV to use the UAV)
Removed requirement for insurgent, taliban and hamas commanders to have the officer kit to enter the command post
These new factors will without any doubt increase the commanders flexibility. For those out there, always playing the co-function for its content, this is like an old dream comming through; the dream of flexibilty.
- In regard to increased level of team-play, what do you think the outcome will be ?
- Will these factors influence the amount of players who plan their battles in advance?
- Will squad leaders begin to plan in the rounds them selfs, thus at some point also stepping up and lead those teams without a CO?
- Will the outcome be less players wanting to command?
3. Evil metal from above
Helpful fire. Nice and handy should the situation present it self.Updated Mortars/Artillery, they no longer damage ammo caches
Updated Commander requested Mortar strike, they are now representative of a 2 x Mortar team firing a 30 second barrage of 30 81mm HE rounds. Approx. 20m kill radius, up to 40m wound radius
Updated Commander requested Artillery strike, they are now representative of a 4 x Battery team firing a 60 second barrage of 105mm M1 rounds. Approx. 35m kill radius, up to 80m wound radius
Updated Commander requested "JDAM" strike, , they are now approximately representative of a GBU-32 or KAB500L. Approx. 175m kill radius, up to 350m wound radius
- Will the outcome of the above result in an increased focus on mobile warfare?
- Will static defense decrease in focus?
- Will these changes affect the amount of players stepping up for the function? Maybe even embedding evil metal in x phase/s of their plan?
CO Zero point Nine
Will it increase the function´s ability to shine?