ComedyInK wrote:Disable mumble overlay/ xfire ingame/ TS Overlay/ anything that is a Direct X based Overlay.
That's right.
Xfire will mess up your PR with this add on but the add on is well worth it.
ComedyInK wrote:Disable mumble overlay/ xfire ingame/ TS Overlay/ anything that is a Direct X based Overlay.
to uninstall - just delete files[R-CON]rodrigoma wrote:how do you uninstall or at least disable it?
Shift + F12 doesn't seem to work as-well.
SAM609 wrote:Screenshots from V0.3 (Gold Dust) :
Try this new palette ! just replace this one with the original file ! it should return the eye adoption effect ! I didn't test it with 1.0 Beta yet tho !!ComedyInK wrote:I agree with the 3.0 is too bright, and also brown. On Saamereea, the filter totally kills all the natural green and makes everything have a brown tint. But on Black Gold AAS, it looks really great, although it is still way too bright than it needs to be. And It's too much to handle on Back Gold Skirmish, some people may like it, but I find it to be too much.
It's fine no PB problems and no one from the team has said anything against it.Raklodder wrote:Is this within legal "PR-terms" to use this mini-mod for PR BETA on public servers?
Why should it be?MiG-29 wrote:This is going to be implemented in original mod, right? RIGT?!