=HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Player feedback for all Project Reality: Battlefield 2 servers.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Danesh_italiano »

Mouthpiece wrote:So you're saying that PR community should provide their feedback about this server straight into your homepage/forums where it will be "moderated" according to the liking of admins/members? Okay, much appreciated, good bye.
Not me. Them! :shock:

If i find the message about this, i will post here.
I only know that I know nothing. Só sei que nada sei. Sólo sé que no sé nada. So solo di non sapere nulla. Tantum scio me nihil scire. Je sais seulement que je ne sais rien. Tiedän vain, etten tiedä mitään. Ich weiss nur dass ich nichts weiss. Ek weet net dat ek niks weet nie. Wiem tylko, ?e nic nie wiem. Heoi ko ahau anake e mohio ana kahore au e mohio. Ngiyazi kuphela ukuthi angazi lutho.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Iceman11 »

Danesh why you lie about where you live?
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by YAK-R »

Is your BR broken?

If not, how often is it updated? Trying to get BR footage to look @ suspect players
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by SyriousT »

YAK-R wrote:Is your BR broken?

If not, how often is it updated? Trying to get BR footage to look @ suspect players
its up-to-date , you just have to scroll down

the newest ATM is Jan 12 2017 05:21:43 AM

Directory Listing of /br/demos/demos/
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by FFG »

Quality work.

Sitting in main as the SL of CAS squad, CAS was about 2-4 minutes out. Both myself and my mate Jagira got kicked from the server because "Making room for an admin". Not a warn to see if im AFK, Not a say command to report afks so they could make room. Nope, Just a straight kick from the server to make room for admins.

Quality work lads.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Jagira »

> Joins HOG
> Embraces Cancer
> Sees there are six admins
> Surprised
> Gets Kicked because "Making room for admins"
> 10 / 10 Would embrace cancer again
Last edited by Jagira on 2017-01-13 07:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by YAK-R »

What on earth happened on silent eagle just then??

The german bomber co-pilot got swapped mid flight by his admin clan mate mid flight so they could take a tank together.

I was lazing tanks for CAS, all of the sudden the cas leader says the co-pilot swapped teams. 'oh im gunna go the other team and take a tank, gl'

how is that reasonable in any shape, or form?? Not only does he know exactly where everything is, but you cripple our CAS in an already losing team so you don't have to wait another few minutes.

You shouldn't be swapping mid round, let alone swapping for assets, let alone swapping for assets sabotaging your own team before you go.

Last edited by YAK-R on 2017-01-13 05:43, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by FFG »

My issue still stands, and as YAK mentioned it seems that there is little regard for the actual player base on the server. It seems like were just here for the admins enjoyment, Teamwork isn't a priority on HOG.
Last edited by Mineral on 2017-01-13 11:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by SyriousT »

joined few hours ago to play Gaza ins , someone created an early squad and squad bug dominated the scene.
blufor tking each other , Namer roadkilling soldiers and even logis ,tank turret spinning in 5000 RPM and Nades everywhere.
it was actually fun game.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Haley »

FFG wrote:Quality work.

Sitting in main as the SL of CAS squad, CAS was about 2-4 minutes out. Both myself and my mate Jagira got kicked from the server because "Making room for an admin". Not a warn to see if im AFK, Not a say command to report afks so they could make room. Nope, Just a straight kick from the server to make room for admins.

Quality work lads.
I explained the kick order to u in TS..not sure why u have to come in here and carry on.

You have your own server I suggest u populate it and admin as u wish.

Good luck.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by FFG »

Haley wrote:I explained the kick order to u in TS..not sure why u have to come in here and carry on.

You have your own server I suggest u populate it and admin as u wish.

Good luck.
Well, If I could enjoy PR with 300 ping I would. Unfortunately the world is not perfect, and in the afternoon my time when I play PR. Its either =HOG=, Hardcore or FCV. The Oceanic playerbase doesn't get the luxury of playing on what ever server they wish.

So heres an Idea, Why don't you guys warn people before kicking them to make room for admins, Or better yet. Just don't kick people from the other team.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by R.Reiter »

Who gave administrator privileges to this crazy man - Jevski?
He is absolutely not competent in administrating, admin rights make him thinking he's god of players playing on server.
Yesterday I claimed TANK asset with my squad (6 ppl) beating two squads. I don't know is this somehow hurt Jevski, but when we have taken tanks on 20 minute He joined our squad and starts to ask everyone. Do we have microphone, headphone, do we speaking english and etc. We had to answer him like 10 TIMES ON EVERY QUESTION, he forced us to answer 10 times or he just kick us. One guy answer one time that he speaks english, have mic and anything else, but Jevski demand to answer like 10 times and He just pretended not to hear anything. In this moments we already moved to center of map and doing our job to support infantry and trying to do teamwork BUT JEVSKI IS FUCKING GOD AND HE DESIDES WHO CAN RIDE TANK and kick this guy who don't want to answer 10 times on all questions. So in middle of battle we got 1 tank without crewman and 1 tank going back to base substituting enemy weak spot - the back of the tank being under pressure of kick violations.
So my main question is this admin here on HOG to make fairplay or he's only interested in his purposes?
I think again this admin absolutely not competent and should leave admin privileges on server because of his issues. Remember for he got banned on another servers for his very idiotism administration.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Raklodder »

I haven't had any issues with the admin team, but there has been times when there was no admin monitoring the server and then it was complete chaos and because of that I'm very careful not to join when the server is lowly populated.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by USAVastPatriot »

So i'm not sure because the message says i was banned for teamkilling and i hadn't killed any one except for one russian (opposite team i was milita), basically we were on assualt of gronzy and my team had spotted some russians so i flanked around where one then tried to flank me so shot and killed him and went black and white, so i dropped my kit and picked up the russian kit to get a second bandage. A dude with =Hog= in his name ran up and stole my kit so i asked for it back and he kept running so i started cussing him out trying to get my kit back and he kept making the remark "do you know who you're talking to" so i'm assuming he was an admin or friend of an admin and he out of all people should know not to steal kits, eventually he dropped my kit and took off so i picked it up told my squad i was gonna go afk in a bush and see what my dog was barking at and when i came back it said i had been kicked then upon trying to rejoin it said i had been kicked or banned for excessive TK. Please help
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Cpt.Future »

Today I was kicked on Muttrah MEC side because I "stole an APC", although I was playing as infantry all round. Quentin who was in my squad was warned for no reason.
Sometimes you'll get bad reports from other players. But maybe check them before you just kick people who did nothing wrong. It's kinda frustrating.
Last edited by Cpt.Future on 2017-03-20 16:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Haley »

[2017-03-14 15:05] !REPORT performed by ' Panzershrek' on ' USAVastPatriot': trolling
[2017-03-16 21:16] !REPORT performed by ' granderslice' on ' USAVastPatriot': in H4 still shooting into INS main
[2017-03-18 21:52] !REPORT performed by ' USAVastPatriot': gamapgg tk x5
[2017-03-19 06:18] !REPORT performed by ' USAVastPatriot' on ' Naabil': tk
[2017-03-20 00:25] !TEMPBAN performed by '=HOG= rayray2014' on ' USAVastPatriot': very rude swearing threatning
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Haley »

[2017-03-20 10:52] !REPORT performed by '[TZ] SaintOneesan.jp' on '[POV] CptFuture': stealing APC
[2017-03-20 10:52] !KICK performed by '=HOG= rayray2014' on '[POV] CptFuture': stealing apc
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Cpt.Future »

Haley wrote:[2017-03-20 10:52] !REPORT performed by '[TZ] SaintOneesan.jp' on '[POV] CptFuture': stealing APC
[2017-03-20 10:52] !KICK performed by '=HOG= rayray2014' on '[POV] CptFuture': stealing apc
So I can just report anyone for made up reasons to have them kicked?
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Haley »

The admin that kicked u was in the apc squad...so my guess is that he saw u take the apc but u will have to post in the forums to site your grievance if you want the admin to respond, also Battle Recorder is available if u wish to review it...this forum is just a feedback thread and not the place to appeal...
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Frontliner »

Well he wasn't banned for it which is the only lasting consequence of any wrongdoing in PR. So you suggesting him to take that to the forums when there is nothing that has to be rectified is nonsense.

As you yourself said this is a feedback thread, and that's what he gave "Sometimes you'll get bad reports from other players. But maybe check them before you just kick people who did nothing wrong. It's kinda frustrating.", both stating the issue as well as proposing an applicable solution to the problem.
VTRaptor: but i only stopped for less than 10 secs and that fucking awesome dude put 2 of them

]CIA[ SwampFox: well my definition of glitching is using an enemy kit to kill the enemy

Just_Dave: i have a list about PR players, and they r categorized by their skill

Para: You sir are an arse and not what the game or our community needs.

AlonTavor: Is that a German trying to make me concentrate?

Heavy Death: join PRTA instead - Teamwork is a must there.

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