=HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Player feedback for all Project Reality: Battlefield 2 servers.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Vista »

>Type '!r vista switch me please' 5-7 times over the course of 3 minutes because the admin was simply ignoring me and I wanted to play with my clan

>Get temp-banned for the reason 'force reporting'

What a great server
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Cpt.Future »

Haley wrote:The admin that kicked u was in the apc squad...so my guess is that he saw u take the apc but u will have to post in the forums to site your grievance if you want the admin to respond, also Battle Recorder is available if u wish to review it...this forum is just a feedback thread and not the place to appeal...
Thanks for the response Haley. Just like Frontliner said, this is simply feedback regarding your admin.

He can't have seen me take an APC, because I didn't enter one the entire round... not even as a passenger (your admin should check the BR perhaps).

My guess is that he opened his scoreboard towards the end of the round, saw that I picked up a crewman kit and just assumed that I was using/was intending to use an APC. He didn't talk to me in Mumble SL chat about it and he didn't warn me before kicking.

So this is simply negative feedback for your server administration.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Haley »

vista, searched the logs...there is no record of your claim....when was it?

I found it. POV Vista

13:32:14 CONNECT] '[POV] Vista' connected with IP:
[13:34:09 TEAM 1] [POV] Vista: !r vista switch me pls
[13:34:22 TEAM 1] [POV] Vista: !admins
[13:34:44 SQUAD 8] =HOG= rayray2014: !w vista NO, KEEPING TEAM SWITCHING TO MINIMAL
[13:37:26 TEAM 1] [POV] Vista: !r vista switch me pls
[13:38:01 TEAM 1] [POV] Vista: !r vista switch me pls
[13:38:46 TEAM 1] [POV] Vista: !r vista switch me pls
[13:39:04 TEAM 1] [POV] Vista: !admins
[13:39:16 SQUAD 8] =HOG= rayray2014: !tb vista i repeated told him no team switch coz server full
[13:39:16 DISCONNECT] '[POV] Vista' disconnected with IP:

Ill talk to the admin. He should not have TB you unless you kept on requesting a switch even when u were told no...Did u continue to ask even when he told you, no, the server was full?
Last edited by Haley on 2017-03-21 02:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Haley »

I understand what you are claiming and what the admin is claiming. I do not know what the truth is. I suggested you go to the forums to legitimize the feedback....these feedback threads in the pr forums are famous for attracting trolls and those with an axe to grind or people who just feel the need to add their 2 cents for their own motives... nothing really gets resolved here for those very reasons...
Cpt.Future wrote:Thanks for the response Haley. Just like Frontliner said, this is simply feedback regarding your admin.

He can't have seen me take an APC, because I didn't enter one the entire round... not even as a passenger (your admin should check the BR perhaps).

My guess is that he opened his scoreboard towards the end of the round, saw that I picked up a crewman kit and just assumed that I was using/was intending to use an APC. He didn't talk to me in Mumble SL chat about it and he didn't warn me before kicking.

So this is simply negative feedback for your server administration.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by fecht_niko »

Interesting that rayray was the responsible admin in both cases kicking my clan members for bullshit or wrong reports. Haley pls give me the link for the muttrah round BR file and I'll upload a vid so you can ban this TZ guy for false reporting and have a proper conversation with rayray.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Haley »

PR:BF2 Contributor
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Frontliner »

Niko, has it occured to you that Oneesan just made a simple mistake? I know that guy, he's not somebody who goes around false reporting for the sake of it.
VTRaptor: but i only stopped for less than 10 secs and that fucking awesome dude put 2 of them

]CIA[ SwampFox: well my definition of glitching is using an enemy kit to kill the enemy

Just_Dave: i have a list about PR players, and they r categorized by their skill

Para: You sir are an arse and not what the game or our community needs.

AlonTavor: Is that a German trying to make me concentrate?

Heavy Death: join PRTA instead - Teamwork is a must there.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Vista »

Frontliner wrote:Niko, has it occured to you that Oneesan just made a simple mistake? I know that guy, he's not somebody who goes around false reporting for the sake of it.
Sorry but if you report someone for stealing APCs just because they had a crewman kit you're being a fucking loser.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by FFG »

Vista wrote:Sorry but if you report someone for stealing APCs just because they had a crewman kit you're being a fucking loser.
Its the admins job to figure out if he was stealing APCs after the report.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Vista »

FFG wrote:Its the admins job to figure out if he was stealing APCs after the report.
Sure buddy, let's just completely forget and forgive the blatant false reporting!

Sounds good.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by FFG »

Vista wrote:Sure buddy, let's just completely forget and forgive the blatant false reporting!

Sounds good.
Thats not what I mean vista. When saint reports stuff to me, I don't just insta ban kids. I as an admin have the responsibility to investigate the reports and ban the rule breakers. I'll message saint and he can come give his side.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by fecht_niko »

So after watching the BR file and wasting some hours of my life you can see cptfuture playing INF the full round not even close to any asset.

Saintonesan started playing APC on USMC with rayray, lost his APC, tried to make some kills with HAT and humvee but got killed all the time and switched to MEC. He joined the APC squad and one manned the borag.

The only explanation for such actions is either blatant false reporting or full retardation.

I can send you a link of cptfutures gameplay vid of that round if you want Haley
Last edited by fecht_niko on 2017-03-22 10:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Haley »

Send it and Ill ban the right player.
Saint Oneesan
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Saint Oneesan »

Switched to MEC to ask Deroko how he knew all our FOB locations so accurately so quickly.

Found talking to Deroko more fun than building FOBs with JP mate.

Got permission to 1 man borag from APC squad to carry ammo crates for MORTARs.

Saw someone with crewmen kit that wasnt in APC squad, highlighted name. saw he was in BTR.

Reported. Didnt think much of it.

Saw another player with crewmen kit that wasnt in APC team with same clan tags. Assumed they were stealing APC so reported.

As far as my actions go, most of it was justified.
If niko did watch the BR file, he should have seen me carrying ammo to MORTARs.
In my defense I did have permission from APC squad, and I was helping my squad carry ammo, so its a little unfair to call it retarded lol.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by fecht_niko »

Saint Oneesan wrote:Switched to MEC to ask Deroko how he knew all our FOB locations so accurately so quickly.

Saw another player with crewmen kit that wasnt in APC team with same clan tags. Assumed they were stealing APC so reported.
Switching to the enemy team in order to get any kind of intel (also to see who killed you or ask how they find your FOBs is kinda ghosting imo) FYI: You can spot FOBs with the UAV

The only other POV player I could find with the BR was Quentin who was also doing INF as breacher and was sitting in the TOW 90% of the time...

PM send Haley

Edit: A simple sorry I fucked up, Saint would have preserved Haley and me wasting time for bullshit.
Last edited by fecht_niko on 2017-03-22 14:29, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by ANT1T3RRR15TA »

Hello Dispute the annoyance, apparently I have bannearon of the Server HOG I really do not know the reason, I played this game 10 years ago I have never been banneado of any server ... is there any way to crack the sancion?

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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Hector19 »

I really like this server because it's the closest to me but I keep getting kicked for not having a microphone.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by tankninja1 »

You guys are all fucked up now. Just got kicked for calling you out on your stupid rule about not being able to attack people in MEC fortress. Either nobody should be allowed in fortress or everybody should be, you can't have both.

You kick without warnings and you kick way too eagerly, my how standards have fallen.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by __Super_6__5__ »

*yawn* man, i am so sleepy today, cant figure out what it is......
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by tankninja1 »

All those !k's must've really tired you out.

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