My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

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My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

I know there a man who made a thread about this but it still didn't work

So, every time I try to connect Project Reality Mumble it will say "Host remote disscounted" yes, I turned off "Quailty of Service" and "Force TCP mode" but still I get the same error, look if anybody can help me I would be so thankful

I hope my PR mumble will work again. :|
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by AlonTavor »

Is it a new problem or did it work before? Can you download normal mumble and see if it works?
I know that mumble is blocked in Egypt.
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

It's a new problem, and I live in Jordan but I will try to download the normal mumble
Last edited by Spefo on 2018-06-11 09:15, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

I tried to use the normal Mumble but still, I'm not sure if the entire Middle East banned Mumble but when I got inside of the Mumble website to download it I need a VPN, and I guess it's blocked here is there any way to use Project Reality mumble?
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Tajulek »

Wait, is a VPN service also blocked in your country?
A.K.A. Peeshcheck
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

Sorry for late respond, well the VPN is not blocked, but it's blocked in Project Reality servers like every time I try to get in a server with a VPN turned on it would say "Connection timed out" and that really just ugh, is there any hope to play PR with a mumble? I don't know if they don't allow VPN because of you know the ban evading, I mostly play in Veteran COOP server and HOG you know these servers right? Like I said is there any way to use mumble with a VPN in Project Reality?
Last edited by Spefo on 2018-06-13 21:53, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by AlonTavor »

Go to Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\bin\PRMumble and launch prmumble.exe manually. There go to options-> network and you should have proxy settings. Try to configure the proxy just for mumble instead of your whole network.
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

Well uh, guys thanks for your all helping me, but nothing like worked to fix the Project Mumble, I just gave up trying to fix it because eh like I just tried to fix like 30 times but same thing didn't worked I'm just kinda tired of trying and trying and trying, but thanks for your trying to help me guys I appreciate it a lot, but if there way to fix guys I would be happy to listen, ((sorry for long respond anyway))
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Veterans-Gaming »

Can you connect to our server and play Project Reality normally, even though Mumble is not working? Or does the game give you problems, too? Problems would be frequent disconnects from the game, severe lag where you see other players and vehicles warping or jumping from place to place.

Several of our players, members, and Admins use VPN's - it has no impact on ban evading because of other identification systems. VPN's are something we allow, and should work just fine. We'd love to help get you connected if it is possible.

There are a number of troubleshooting steps we could take, and many have already been suggested above, and some of these guys are more familiar with the ways of Mumble.
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

Veterans-Gaming wrote:Can you connect to our server and play Project Reality normally, even though Mumble is not working? Or does the game give you problems, too? Problems would be frequent disconnects from the game, severe lag where you see other players and vehicles warping or jumping from place to place.

Several of our players, members, and Admins use VPN's - it has no impact on ban evading because of other identification systems. VPN's are something we allow, and should work just fine. We'd love to help get you connected if it is possible.

There are a number of troubleshooting steps we could take, and many have already been suggested above, and some of these guys are more familiar with the ways of Mumble.
Woah, so wait you really support VPN's I'm really happy about that man I will reinstall Project Reality and try that out, I can't lie but I'm really happy about that, and yes I can play Project Reality without mumble everything works fine except for the mumble but I feel like it's kinda dead for me, and I lost the point of team work, and I need mumble for using tank eh because some people told me that it's important, and most of the people uses like voice chat and eh like mumble is really important if you know what I mean and I really want to play it with mumble, and thanks alot I will reinstall Project Reality and try to use VPN to connect to your server.
Last edited by Spefo on 2018-08-07 07:41, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

And plus, is Project Reality Mumble supposed to be open when Project Reality is open? Because for me it's not here when I open Project Reality yes I open Project Reality mumble but I try like to connect to a server and it always say to me this
Last edited by Spefo on 2018-08-07 07:30, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by AlonTavor »

Spefo wrote:And plus, is Project Reality Mumble supposed to be open when Project Reality is open? Because for me it's not here when I open Project Reality yes I open Project Reality mumble but I try like to connect to a server and it always say to me this

Only when you join a server it launches.

"Proxy server not found" - maybe you put wrong details in mumble proxy settings?
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

AlonTavor wrote:Only when you join a server it launches.

"Proxy server not found" - maybe you put wrong details in mumble proxy settings?
Well I going try, to like eh launch the Project Reality then launch a server and I honestly don't know if I put the wrong proxy but I going try and see if it works.
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

So I runned Project Reality mumble manually, then I opened server then got on it then Project Reality Mumble has stopped working same as the VPN but why? I don't get it like why the VPN crashed too, like is there no hope to run Project Reality Mumble? Plus, I heard that team speak is even blocked too in Jordan aha so like mumble and team speak is blocked but when I run a VPN in team speak it works perfectly fine but mumble eh it doesn't.
Last edited by Spefo on 2018-08-07 22:34, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: And more to talk about
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by AlonTavor »

We might be able to fix it in a while (Change the protocol so all the mumble blocks don't recognize its mumble), but not any time soon. Maybe a few months...
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

AlonTavor wrote:We might be able to fix it in a while (Change the protocol so all the mumble blocks don't recognize its mumble), but not any time soon. Maybe a few months...
Oh alright, I gonna wait, and change the protocol anyway thanks.
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Re: My PR Mumble is broken "host remote disscounted"

Post by Spefo »

And oh yeah, I forget to say Jordan blocked ALOT of news sites and alot alot of sites, they "blocking pornography the wrong way" like eh they like blocked alot of sites which one of them was Roblox yeah I laughed about this one, but like the hell? Why they would do that though.
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