=HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Player feedback for all Project Reality: Battlefield 2 servers.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by RaNa-Rocxs »

Mats391 wrote:Good job commanding on Saaremaa, Rana. Its nice to have commander that actually commands and even nicer to have team that follows him.
Sadly admins missed an opportunity to balance the teams after that round and Iron Ridge turned out to be extremely one sided
Thanks for your appreciation Mats. Last night after a long time I actually enjoyed the game just because of you guys. Because of we was having good Squad leaders, Most of the Squad leaders was following the orders of commanding. (Best teamwork love it)


For Hog administration you guys really need to focus on map choosing and team balancing overall your admins doing a good job. (Good Job HOG Keep it up)

we was have a good fun last night thanks for that.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Mats391 »

When a map vote ends in a draw between multiple options. You should wait a bit before making new vote. At least long enough for the old messages to clear. Otherwise lots wont realize that it is a new vote and the turnout is even lower than usually.

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by RaNa-Rocxs »


5.4 Do not build mortars in the docks repair station. IF mortars are built in fortress USMC is allowed to eliminate the threat if fired upon by means of CAS Huey, COBRA or mortars, under no circumstances is any USMC infantry allowed to enter or be near fortress until AAS marker indicates to do so.
I think we have Mortars in most of the PR maps not only in Muttrah city, but there are no rules for Mortar Squad in yours server which means Mortars are not claimable. You guys need to recheck these old rules, and please add some more rules for mortar squad same like other PR servers.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by FFG »

Tonight Insurgency won the mapvote, but either in ignorance or incompetence the admins still set AAS. Please fix.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Chuva_RD »

RaNa-Rocxs wrote:I think we have Mortars in most of the PR maps not only in Muttrah city, but there are no rules for Mortar Squad in yours server which means Mortars are not claimable. You guys need to recheck these old rules, and please add some more rules for mortar squad same like other PR servers.
https://www.hogclangaming.com/index.php ... ules-in-pr
We set the rules in PR up to be vague intentionally
Its sort of corporate culture
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Wicca »

I'm really good at Project Reality ;)
Xact Wicca is The Joker. That is all.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Danielj15 »

Wicca wrote:I'm really good at Project Reality ;)
really good at killing servers
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by VTRaptor »

For the future, please don't test your new features on a live server, our deployment was compromised for two games in a row with a server restart and that was enough to loose interest in playing PR.

As for this thing you're going for, it creates a problem of not being able to share your assets with other squads. Sometimes tanks/apcs share their stuff with cas, inf and each other.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by lespyd »

We will continue to do so, thanks.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Saspunas »

Best server for now.

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by solidfire93 »

Saspunas wrote:Best server for now.
that’s debatable…
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by lespyd »

Please note: Starting 11/13 12:01AM EST, our DOD rule will be removed. Said another way, you may fire in and out of DOD. (This does not mean you can throw smokes or spam your gun in main spawn; that rule remains in effect to be explicit. That’s annoying, and a waste of time. Don’t do it.). To be further explicit, if ammunition lands in main base (provided the enemy team is even capable of doing so), this is also not against the rules anymore.

There are a variety of reasons why we are making this change. I will only talk about a few, so you have an idea of why now, and why this. As an admin team, we track what type of issues are the most common. Asset stealing is high up there for example. Fights in DOD are common as well, both intentionally as well as accidentally. We’ve talked internally a lot on how to handle this. At the same time, I’ve learned that DOD is INTENDED to be a NO MOVEMENT zone. NOT a no bullets/missiles zone. I personally did not think about this difference, as I assume many of you did not either.

I fully expect some people to love the change, some people to hate the change. One of the things I ask our admin team to take special care of is to NOT admin gameplay which I believe should be strongly influenced by the game designers and how they intend us to play their game. DOD is part of that. (I would however carve out free kit and lone wolfers. That type of gameplay will not be acceptable on our server.).

Again, I fully expect people will respond differently. With that in mind, this is a notice and announcement. We are NOT gathering feedback right now.. Many people “theory craft”. For anyone who deals with product management, you are familiar with what an iterative process is, as well as decision paralysis. We will make a change, look at impact AFTER SOME TIME HAD PASSED. If we feel like this change isn’t good, we WILL adjust. Said in another way, your opinion after 1-2 rounds is NOT helpful nor will we listen to it seriously. It’s simply not a good gauge as to what impact it has had overall. When we want to gather feedback, we will do it when appropriate and will ask everyone for feedback.

If this works out, great. If not, we’ll do something else.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by WingWalker »

Never had a problem with HOG until now. In fact I always am annoyed at the people always talking **** about HOG, and admins doing what they want.

Who ever is admin right now, 11-14-21 10:00am-10:30 CST

I don't know because he would not respond to me.

... he kept kicking me for chat spamming, and I only typed "chat spamming" ONCE because this "chucknorris" guy was chat spamming allover the chat...

I came back on and told the admin with !r that is wasn't me, and he kicked me again...

He would not respond to me at all...

I came back on a few more times and with !r tried to tell him it was not me.

Then he banned me for 3hrs without responding.

I have no idea why he didn't look at the text at who was actually spamming. The guy that was doing the spamming was left on the server no problem.

Thanks a lot.
Last edited by WingWalker on 2021-11-14 16:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Mats391 »

Only played very few rounds since the DoD rule change, but in those rounds shooting into DoD did not seem to have a huge impact on the overall game. The biggest impact came from squads that overcommitted to camping the enemy base and having not enough soldiers in the field.
However there is one big issue on jet maps: Bombing the runway. This is hard to prevent even with base defences and can really ruin your day. My suggestion would be to re-introduce rules to prevent this that. A rule like that could be

You are not allowed to attack enemy staging-areas. A staging-area is the starting area of team which is outside of the combatzone (aka covered by DoD) and contains repair depot, helipads, runways, command-post or vehicle spawnpoints.

For a lot of maps that should define mainbase pretty well and does not cause issues with big DoD like on Pavlovsk or Omaha. However it is harder to create an auto-admin script to enforce it ;)

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Coalz101 »

Mats391 wrote: For a lot of maps that should define mainbase pretty well and does not cause issues with big DoD like on Pavlovsk or Omaha. However it is harder to create an auto-admin script to enforce it ;)
What about the DOD script used on Silent Eagle, I'm pretty sure that will prevent most of issues you listed with jets bombing runways. Shorten the timer to like 7 seconds or something
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Mats391 »

Coalz101 wrote:What about the DOD script used on Silent Eagle, I'm pretty sure that will prevent most of issues you listed with jets bombing runways. Shorten the timer to like 7 seconds or something
We are always working to improve maps with things like DoD, mortar/bomb shields or other passive base protection so that things work without admin intervention. Killing jets that dive below mortar/bomb shields would be one thing we could do. However changing map mechanics is not really the scope of this feedback thread and a patch addressing these issues might take a longer while (there are a lot of maps with even more layers).

Mineral: TIL that Wire-guided missiles actually use wire
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by lespyd »

Thanks for that proper feedback. I'd open it up to others as well to add some initial feedback. This initial round will help us see the distribution of types of feedback around our removal of our "Stay away from main, no shooting into "dod"" rule. It is not to solve a "problem" right now.

Please add specific anecdotes that happened to you, or you saw happened. Please DO NOT provide theoretical examples. I.e. I'd like to hear what map you were playing on, what happened exactly, most importantly, what happened after (for example, did the team overall get disadvantaged or did your asset die and you were unhappy, or both). To help filter, please add:

Map you played:
What player were you at the time (i.e. CAS player, TRANS pilot, I was Inf driving a logi, etc.):

Note: Saying you didn't feel any difference is valid too.

What feedback will be ignored: Non specific anecdotes. Theoretical examples that did not happen to you. (we're not here to armchair assume or theorycraft). These are not helpful as it will skew frequency of occurrence.
Last edited by lespyd on 2021-11-15 16:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Outlawz7 »

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by lespyd »

Thanks, interesting to see that round was lost 0-115, stalemate on initial captured flags, and trans heli denied for the rest of the round, however enemy tow fob was cleared by an area attack as a counter.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Chuva_RD »

Played a great round on Shjija as the armor gunner, on 3:51:00 two our APCs were chasing Scimitar running to his mainbase. Running into safehouse from the firefight is not okay, be a man and face your fate. There should be no safehouses when you are engaged, yet our crews decided to play gentlemen and did not attack their mainbase.

link to tracker file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hCxFw5 ... sp=sharing

The game ended with 11 tickets diff, and its almost luck. I always say: do not discuss what you did right to win with 10 tickets lead, think how would you be able to win with 100 tickets lead. This was exactly the step in winning with 100 tickets lead: they only had 1 chopper, no one but tank could do something about it (the only tank didn't have a gun working after I shot him twice), 2nd chopper spawned 2min after they left. Brits wouldn't have countered attack on their main for quite a moment since no one stayed on main to protect it nor there were no weapons for it; at the moment they had to wait 20min for arty. Ticket-wise it would have been a clean gain for us. And if you can jump into tank when apcs look at you trying to climb the armor is a rhetorical question.

As you know Shijia is "heli jump" map, and the cost to losing two of them is no mobility and no new fobs. A new opportunity like the one I describe didn't materialize due to a lack of battleplanning I guess. I was slightly disappointed we played so long and won with such a little margin, but everyone was civil and said gg at the end.

So my feedback on allowing to attack mainbases is that its lame. To counter it teams have to shift attention to protect mainbases. Instead of playing flags teams have to sit next to the main and counter-camp ignoring flags; at the end it turns into a deathmatch between mains with flags being a side quest. Just send two players, they put tow and shoot into main. There would be no better and shorter path to more solid victory. Ones who cant counter need to learn the game first.
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