Mats391 wrote:I am not sure what the reason for fixed map list really is, but one thing I keep hearing is to increase map variety. To that I have to say that I did not really see any increase in variety of individual maps, but did see increase of non STD layers. On map votes admins often just set STD or w/e has most assets (at least it feels like that). However I do not see this as an argument against map votes as the layer rarely got voted on.
I don't think any of the playerbase enjoys this 'feature' (For lack of a suitable word in my context) If they really wanted to variety and want to keep mapvotes, deal with their admin team as they are the ones putting maps in the votes. I understand that admins have bias towards maps they like but in that case does this person really deserve admin if they can't have an unbiased opinion about something simple like maps?
[What if its something more complicated than that, like punishing someone for breaking the rules. Just because you don't like someone that was reported, lets say for all chat or team killing 1 guy, doesn't mean you kick/ban them immediately. The warning command exists]
And to add onto what Mats said, If you want variety perhaps you should include CNC in your maplist instead of just AAS and INS. AAS and INS gets boring fast especially when the chances of having a good match these days are already diminished
- Bring back mapvotes
- Encourage admins to put maps in votes other than the same three they know or like
- Add CNC to maplist if you're not bringing back votes