=HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Player feedback for all Project Reality: Battlefield 2 servers.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by VTRaptor »

Chuva_RD wrote:guys post your connection problem screenshots, lets's have a good laugh

I've started making lag compilation myself, I have at least 7 recordings of it, but I'm lazy as hell and haven't posted a video in a year or so xd
Suchar wrote:I can say the same about Polish players I have played with. Similarly, we all get connection issues at the same exact time and duration. Other players do not seem to be affected at the same time, sometimes resulting in us dying when connection issues appear.
Can confirm we get lag at the same time, but sometimes one has lag longer than the other.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by WingWalker »

HOG is getting to be unplayable with their new ways of administering the server.

I'm always annoyed on here at the people being stupid and dramatic complaining about everything... I never had anything bad to say about HOG until recently.

I do not know if it is certain admins or not, I don't care, it has become the average experience of HOG for me now.

I am tired of getting banned/kicked off of HOG for not doing anything wrong, literally not being a problem player in any way at all. Not Spamming, not team killing, not squad leading without a mike, none of that.

I am also tired of watching other players get constantly spammed and punished by the admins the whole round.

... and for whatever its worth on here, my most recent experience:

The admins were warning and punishing players constantly, going on and on and on and on about OTHER PEOPLE chat spamming. They were literally spamming yellow text across the top of the screen more than what they were complaining about in the chat, also they would break up squads because they didn't like what they were doing...

... its hard enough to get people to try Squad Lead...

I asked the admin/s " what do you consider spamming?", he warned me for that, then I said " its not spamming its an honest question" and I was banned/kicked.

Pretty much the only 2 things I said the whole round.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by UncleSmek »

Yeah everyone seems to have the same problem.
Its always atleast one guy in my squad having the problem.. sometimes me..

Otherwise server has been pretty alright lately besides really bad balance, however last two days has been really good with good balance, good map votes with less 4k desert and good hitreg.

Keep up the good work hog!
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by LiamBai »

Played four maps today and the balance was abysmal. Only on the last map was anything done, and what was done was about 30 !switch nexts with no apparent thought put in. This left MeRk + most admins + a japanese squad on one team against a japanese squad and dutchcourage (and it's muttrah, so dutchcourage wasted a full squad defending fortress the whole round).

I know that the admins who were on are capable of much better balance than this if they think about what needs to be done.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by granderslice »

dutchcourage (and it's muttrah, so dutchcourage wasted a full squad defending fortress the whole round).

I would have expected more from a R-CON than bashing a player in this forum for his play style. He wasn't defending the fortress. He was defending the entire city from attack from boats, inf placing mines in South City, helis, and APCs using the eastern flank and water. There were 42 other players on the same team, too. Why didn't you call them out?
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Corvin »

To =MerK= Sexy_Saddam admin today on server.
Next time when you will start randomly resigning my squad twice for "free kits" please warn or talk to me on mumble first. My squad was fully working on mics, cooporating and i was giving permission for all kits. We did good job in whole game all around destroying 3 FOBs, building 3 FOBs myself, cooporating with tank, commander and other squads on voice, i was keep marking enemy positions and you just kept ruining fun for me and my squad randomly resigning us, even at the end of round. Next time please focus on squads that are led by guys with non-officer kits, doing literally nothing but running around instead of bullying guy that plays PR since version 0.5. Thanks :)
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by WingWalker »

Corvin wrote: bullying guy that plays PR since version 0.5. Thanks :
Admin Spam

This seems to be the normal experience now on HOG for me also. Everything you have said I have experienced there multiple times.

I am not banned, but WILL NOT go to HOG anymore, they used to be the best.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Coalz101 »

Who thought it was a good idea to remove mapvotes didn't think it through. TALK TO YOUR ADMINS, they decide what maps go in the vote! what makes you think that removing the mapvote will make us play different maps? IT WON'T they will just go ahead and set maps they want now with no feedback from the people. I'm tired of seeing the same maps, with the SAME LAYOUTS being played EVERYDAY. I don't even know when last I've played Bamyan LRG because your admins keep setting ALT. Haven't played soul rebel in a long time aswell as goose green and hill 488, there is so many maps but ADMINS decide to put the same ones 24/7!

If you really want new maps to be played maybe reconsider your admin team because they are the ones that have control over what gets set or not, they are the ones 'rigging' the votes by putting the same over played maps in the votes.

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Joovy »


Look at the way Lespyd "Admined" this player for just suggesting a map.

How fucked up is this honestly and look at the way he speaks to him. Total abusive cop simulation. So fucked up in every regard. And this happens every day on HOG. What a load of bull shit. These admins got some hard Karma coming soon.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by lespyd »

Ah didn’t realize individual cases was server feedback , in this case can I have permission from forum mods to post chat logs of this clown who calls a dev a terrorist because of where he resides, and him being racist?
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Joovy »

Yeah go ahead and make up some shit on the spot to cover your sorry ***. No one wants you playing this game anymore because you dont play for mil sim you play for abusive cop simulation.

And I aint worried about whatever you post because whatever you do aint gonna make up for over 10 years of abuse on the community, Your server is the reason the community is depleted of players. Do yourself a favor and get a life, because being an abusive PR Cop is sad on another level.

The coomunity knows your an ******* and Ive got dozens of players who cant attest to this. Your server dying is the best thing for this game.

/user banned for attitude problem, insulting and creating duplicate forum accounts - Mod
Last edited by Nate. on 2022-06-02 09:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by RaNa-Rocxs »

Joovy wrote:https://i.ibb.co/52Pz0BD/Screenshot-2021-11-21-001516.png

Look at the way Lespyd "Admined" this player for just suggesting a map.

How fucked up is this honestly and look at the way he speaks to him. Total abusive cop simulation. So fucked up in every regard. And this happens every day on HOG. What a load of bull shit. These admins got some hard Karma coming soon.
Who the hell are you and from where you get this picture @Lespyd if I am not wrong, it was a personal chat between you and me on my old discord account, and my that discord account was got hacked. My question is how he get this picture,
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by lespyd »

Not me, I don’t share private conversations… because they are private…

Anyway, Publishing the logs to show everyone this guys character. He was banned 2020-09 for racism and never appealed where he would have got the standard 30 day ban for racism, but instead developed a love for our server.

chatlog_2020-09-20_0206.txt:[03:14:50 GLOBAL] [DDG] joovy: niggers
chatlog_2020-09-20_0206.txt:[03:15:35 GLOBAL] Golden-Eagle: joovy legit hovered over main wanting to be killed just to report for shooting into dod

chatlog_2020-09-20_0206.txt:[02:31:11 TEAM 1] [DDG] joovy: one of the devs is an israeli
chatlog_2020-09-20_0206.txt:[02:31:42 TEAM 1] [DDG] joovy: all terrorists
chatlog_2020-09-20_0206.txt:[02:31:43 TEAM 1] [DDG] joovy: syrians
chatlog_2020-09-20_0206.txt:[02:31:51 TEAM 1] [DDG] joovy: middle eastern no good

chatlog_2020-09-20_0206.txt:[02:26:46 TEAM 1] [DDG] joovy: nazi
chatlog_2020-09-20_0206.txt:[02:26:50 TEAM 1] [DDG] joovy: niki tret is a nazi
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Mats391 »

I am not sure what the reason for fixed map list really is, but one thing I keep hearing is to increase map variety. To that I have to say that I did not really see any increase in variety of individual maps, but did see increase of non STD layers. On map votes admins often just set STD or w/e has most assets (at least it feels like that). However I do not see this as an argument against map votes as the layer rarely got voted on.
The biggest issue to me right now is the badly shuffled map list. For example Yamalia INF follows right after Yamalia STD. In other places you get to play 2-3 1km maps in a row or back to back desert maps. I think you should spend a bit more effort into the maplist and dont think a truly randomized list is going to be good. As otherwise these things will always happen.
Another big change for me is knowing whats next from the start. This has resulted in me leaving the server early a couple of times already. When a map I do not really like comes up, I see if next is better and if not really have to consider spending the night on the server. With votes I would stay and gamble on getting something better next. By the time vote comes around, I would already be invested in the map and likely finish it, even if the vote resulted in a undesired map being played next.

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Coalz101 »

Mats391 wrote:I am not sure what the reason for fixed map list really is, but one thing I keep hearing is to increase map variety. To that I have to say that I did not really see any increase in variety of individual maps, but did see increase of non STD layers. On map votes admins often just set STD or w/e has most assets (at least it feels like that). However I do not see this as an argument against map votes as the layer rarely got voted on.
I don't think any of the playerbase enjoys this 'feature' (For lack of a suitable word in my context) If they really wanted to variety and want to keep mapvotes, deal with their admin team as they are the ones putting maps in the votes. I understand that admins have bias towards maps they like but in that case does this person really deserve admin if they can't have an unbiased opinion about something simple like maps?

[What if its something more complicated than that, like punishing someone for breaking the rules. Just because you don't like someone that was reported, lets say for all chat or team killing 1 guy, doesn't mean you kick/ban them immediately. The warning command exists]

And to add onto what Mats said, If you want variety perhaps you should include CNC in your maplist instead of just AAS and INS. AAS and INS gets boring fast especially when the chances of having a good match these days are already diminished

  • Bring back mapvotes
  • Encourage admins to put maps in votes other than the same three they know or like
  • Add CNC to maplist if you're not bringing back votes
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by InfantryGamer42 »

Coalz101 wrote:
  • Bring back mapvotes
  • Encourage admins to put maps in votes other than the same three they know or like
  • Add CNC to maplist if you're not bringing back votes
Maybe encourage admins to also write which layer of map are they going to set up if that map wins, if they do not want to do third vote for layer?
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Mats391 »

Coalz101 wrote:And to add onto what Mats said, If you want variety perhaps you should include CNC in your maplist instead of just AAS and INS. AAS and INS gets boring fast especially when the chances of having a good match these days are already diminished
No, this is not what I meant. Layers are LRG, STD, ALT, INF. Especially INF had very low chance of getting set with votes. Sticking to AAS and INS is fine. CNC just wont play well unless teams are prepared for it.

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Tony_AbbottPBUH »

Coalz101 wrote:Who thought it was a good idea to remove mapvotes didn't think it through. TALK TO YOUR ADMINS, they decide what maps go in the vote! what makes you think that removing the mapvote will make us play different maps? IT WON'T they will just go ahead and set maps they want now with no feedback from the people. I'm tired of seeing the same maps, with the SAME LAYOUTS being played EVERYDAY. I don't even know when last I've played Bamyan LRG because your admins keep setting ALT. Haven't played soul rebel in a long time aswell as goose green and hill 488, there is so many maps but ADMINS decide to put the same ones 24/7!

If you really want new maps to be played maybe reconsider your admin team because they are the ones that have control over what gets set or not, they are the ones 'rigging' the votes by putting the same over played maps in the votes.

bamyan lrg has been played 14 times since 11/3/22 and bamyan alt has been played 18 times since 13/3/22. not really a huge difference imo
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Chuva_RD »

I like playing with fixed maplist more than with votes

+ predictable maplist, you see whats next and can plan what to play
+ alt and inf layers are played now, admins set std and dont think much
+ no ins/aas votes when minority voting for one of options can never get it due to "winner gets all" voting type
+ no scamming from admins who set 1 popular gud map vs 2 unpopular maps

- random list so random that some maps repeat after 1-2 rounds
- maplist author's bias is noticeable: less assets, more inf
- ins back to back isnt ok, too much ins is bad

My opinion is that voting should work to proportionally represent maps, not to let most popular maps be the most popular. Vanilla bf2 voting is bad bc they give an illusion of choice, and getting rid of it is a plus and a move no one else had balls to make
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Death! »

I agree with Chuva on INS, it should be one INS game for every two AAS games, at this proportion.

Too much infantry layouts are not really fun as well, and I don't even do assets besides trans.
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