This tut takes the form of a 3dsmax8 .max file containing lots of sequential models & text instructions for building a simple MEC city static. The idea is that you can select & study each stage of the process, & look at things like modifiers, what subobject selections are active, or how the mesh is being reduced on collision meshes.
In preparation for making statics for bf2, you'll need bf2's texture folders unzipped to the bf2 folder so that max can access them & you can set the correct texture paths for export.
The easiest way to do this is to unzip the enitre mods/bf2/objects_client.zip & mods/bf2/objects_server.zip into a new mods/bf2/objects folder.
Also included in the tutorial files are a few new PR textures that you can put into this new objects folder. (texture path for them is already set up, so you can paste them in).
Note: I've also included an extra maxfile in the package which contains some random building parts for making MEC city statics, so you can merge them into your scene & attach doors, windows, aircon boxes etc.