The solution is artillery barrage.
Place object spawner over the beach, linked to one of back flags(Colleville, Trevieres and Vierville Bunker), that spawn a artillery projectile. Link it that Colleville flag is linked to projectiles from Echo to Mike, Treviers's to Alfa and Bravo plust from India to Miek, and Vierville Bunker's to from Alfa to Golf.
You could need to make new artillery projectile, that will fall down after spawning.
Barrage don't need to be so devastating to completely block this way, but strong enough, too make American think, if they should attack defended part of beach, or try to run through artillery barrage.
Also artillery projectiles should have random spawning system, so it will be harder to avoid it. Something like this:
Code: Select all
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 10
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 20