Thought I'd post this guide I wrote for PRTA as a starting guide for new or old players wanting to take up the squad leader position, but I'm sure many of the tips will be useful for old dogs and veterans as well. Read and enjoy!
- Don't be afraid to give very specific orders to your squad members. They're in your squad because
they have accepted your command. If they disobey or argue with you, let them know that it's not ok.
Squad members openly disagreeing with your idea of things will bring moral down and make the
rest of the squad confused to who's really in command.
Squad members, listen to the SL, even if he's making a mistake. Be sure to advise, but do not disagree unless he is breaking the rules, the game spirit etc. Squad leaders, be stern if a squad member is being uppity, and just kick him if he will not co-operate.
- Say 'please' a lot. Even if you're the squad leader, we're all still just playing a video game, and no
one likes driving that truck back to the main base or shoveling emplacements. If your squad likes
you enough though, they'll do it anyway without you even asking!
Another point to add is be professional and thank people when assisted. Another squad is very much more so likely to assist you again if you walk up to them if you can and thank them in local.
Hell, I've even been called "sir" once, and I'm not old enough to bear that title!
- Never shout or scream at your squad members, no matter the reason. Speaking slowly and with a
clear voice is better. You'll notice that your squad members will listen to you more, the calmer you
are. If you find it hard to cut through the constant babbling, ask your squad to 'clear the channel' or
to 'listen up!'.
Do know that shouting/yelling =/= raising voice.
Usually the only time you have to do that is to make sure that everyone hears your "Alright comms silent, I'm trying to talk!", but never, ever yell at people, and never ever ever yell at people for not playing perfectly. That's just being a ****, instead give them advice.
This has taken me a week on and off to read cover to cover and I am thoroughly impressed. Some sections are a bit suck-egg, but overall its a very useful and up to date read, thank you!
Biggest learning point: Bounding overwatch, and Rifleman-buddy for Automatic Rifleman!