=HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Player feedback for all Project Reality: Battlefield 2 servers.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by LiamBai »

__Super_6__5__ wrote:omg, yak, i had sent a pm to haley that i thought to give you a chance, but your changing my mind. you complain about admins and you complain about no admins, get a life man.
He's not complaining about admins. I don't get why you're getting so defensive for no reason.

The point is the lack of admins in this timezone is a problem. HOG, as far as I can see, isn't doing much to address that. While I get that HOG is a primarily US clan with some EU in there, realityadmin has the ability to give light admin. I've suggested before to give it to some players who can keep the server tame during the lull in adminning, but this was rejected since all HOG admins have to be full admins. Is it really that far fetched to find a few Aussies or Asians that the community says you can trust and give them !k and !setnext when real admins aren't on? A few active people would solve the issue almost completely, and you can always take their powers away if there's any sign of misuse.

Also, yak was pointing out that the adminless server is something admins can't experience by definition, so the scale of the problem isn't easily grasped by admins. While yes he was being a bit snarky, note that it's after an admin on your server graced us with his wise insight "GIRLS complain to much lol". I'm sure you can forgive him somewhat.

As someone who plays moderately often in this timezone, it's really frustrating to go round after round with no admins, maplist running the same map multiple times, general greifing, etc.

On a final note, you guys do actually respond to feedback here, so +1 for that.
Liam: $ mkdir .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh
Vista: $: command not found
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by __Super_6__5__ »

yes, but we do not hand out admin rights like candy, in this case it is not good that the players act the way that they do but we will not shut down our server to combat it, we will not just add any admin just because they play in that time zone.

i was going to give in and make yak an admin, but one thing i have learned is you dont shit something that you want.

He chose an open forum to be a ****, dont like it and he should know better. We have been in contact via pm on other issues and he chose HERE to air his disapproval. You guys know we dislike these "feedback" threads because they are NOT being used as feedback. In this case, he got rejected and instead of continuing to use the pm functioning to get us to take another look or reassure us, he chose to come here and start drama.

Our server is a NORTH AMERICAN server, if people want to play on it on non NA times then so be it. Once EVERY server shuts their servers off when no admins are on, then we will do the same, until then, use the report function, it does place it in the logs and we will deal with it later.

OR, be adults and settle your matters privately, TRUST me, you WILL get farther.

Have a good day.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by YAK-R »

I think you're completely misconstruing what i'm saying. I did not insult any admins, or incite any drama here at all.
The only reason i post is because i want PR to be the best it can be (hence why i volunteer my time). Having no admins online isn't something up for debate, there's no subjectivity there, it's universally bad.

Yes maybe you're aware there are no admins on, but i'm trying to prompt you into trying to fix it!

There was no snark until rayray started slinging mud.. Of course i'm frustrated when the hours in which we can play PR, there are no admins!

Surely after all these years of running hog there's got to be some late night players that you guys trust.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by JanH »

__Super_6__5__ wrote:You guys know we dislike these "feedback" threads
God, I wonder why.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Mouthpiece »

JanH wrote:God, I wonder why.
Well, I can tell you why they probably don't like the feedback thread. It's because they can't really answer to the legitimate complains of vox populis as there's nothing to say maybe except "sorry, we will try our best to improve the way our admins deal with problems".

/Mr.Obvious out
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Smiley1967 »

Had a couple of very nice intensive rounds on your server this evening keep going guys :)
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Haley »

Liam is Yak a friend of yours?
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Singh408 »

Dude I didn't know this HOG server feedback exist.

Aye whats up Jevski if you active on this forum.

carry on...
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by __Super_6__5__ »

Singh408 wrote:Dude I didn't know this HOG server feedback exist.

Aye whats up Jevski if you active on this forum.

carry on...
this isnt our feedback thread, this is FFG's feedback thread, look at very first post, he is not a member of hog.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by YAK-R »

Haley wrote:Liam is Yak a friend of yours?
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Imdruid »

'[R-CON wrote:LiamBai;2166293']He's not complaining about admins. I don't get why you're getting so defensive for no reason.

The point is the lack of admins in this timezone is a problem. HOG, as far as I can see, isn't doing much to address that. While I get that HOG is a primarily US clan with some EU in there, realityadmin has the ability to give light admin. I've suggested before to give it to some players who can keep the server tame during the lull in adminning, but this was rejected since all HOG admins have to be full admins. Is it really that far fetched to find a few Aussies or Asians that the community says you can trust and give them !k and !setnext when real admins aren't on? A few active people would solve the issue almost completely, and you can always take their powers away if there's any sign of misuse.

Also, yak was pointing out that the adminless server is something admins can't experience by definition, so the scale of the problem isn't easily grasped by admins. While yes he was being a bit snarky, note that it's after an admin on your server graced us with his wise insight "GIRLS complain to much lol". I'm sure you can forgive him somewhat.

As someone who plays moderately often in this timezone, it's really frustrating to go round after round with no admins, maplist running the same map multiple times, general greifing, etc.

On a final note, you guys do actually respond to feedback here, so +1 for that.

Pretty Much everyone who comments has never ran a server. How very interesting. Let me comment at least, you know, since i have.

As a player and as a player who has matured a lot. I will quickly align with any server rules. If i get kicked or punished for breaking them, i will apologize to the admins, and i will do my best to learn the rules better. The =HOG= server is in a sense strict on it's rules, mostly because it wants to let players who have respect for the rules to be able to play without inhibition. Now i ran a server and was quite popular for a while. And i actually had similar rules to how =HOG= was set up, and i never had a problem with players complaining. It is odd that somehow that =HOG= has got a stigma for being strict when by far my server was far more strict in a sense. But that is years ago.

But here is the thing, having to many rules is actually counter productive. So to everyone who thinks they "know" how to makes rules, but yet make to many. Never actually ran anything properly and well in their life. You have to think about the manning situation, and that is what the owners keep saying, but no one listens. So let me put it in a way people can understand. Less is more and more is less.

But if you all have actually good feedback and good suggestions please be sure to PM the owners. Or bring it to their forums. Not to the PR forums where it is wasted. On the contrary =HOG= does not dislike feedback. If you can propose something that is better, easier to implement, and easier to actually understand they will eat that up. The reason i say this is because you have to think of the admin team. And that is what the owners do. They think of a way to make it easy for admins to admin. And it has come a long way. I have actually made personal impact in the rules and in changes in the rules for the server. And so have others that i know of.

SO when people come here and "complain" that's how it is seen. If you want to make constructive criticism then go for it. Until then do not talk.
Before you ask, been playing since 2006 seen a lot of change, some good, most bad. :)
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by parch »

For a native English speaker, you seem to lack any reading comprehension. Also you sound like some anime bad guy.

As for a feedback, I like playing on =HOG=™ and actually enjoy how strictly you enforce your rules. Keep up the good work and maybe consider giving someone from Aussie timezone an admin.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Singh408 »

__Super_6__5__ wrote:this isnt our feedback thread, this is FFG's feedback thread, look at very first post, he is not a member of hog.
do you even play on your own server? or just make judgements on the forum?
like do you even admin bro..

maybe once in a while come play and see it urself instead of sending msgs through ur samsung phone
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by __Super_6__5__ »

actually, i dont think i have ever played on it, they just want me to admin it. Got any tips?
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by Tommygun »

I too think HOG should go on a little admin recruitment drive. Today, there was a squad bug, there will be plenty more, it was not a train smash it was just a bummer as the server was reasonably full, 80 or so players having a great game and it just faded as no one could restart the server. If you can find some more Jevskis or anyone who can be around at that time. Love the server, love the admins (am i doing ok so far :) ), Id just like more of them.
On another note. I think the feedback threads here are good. I think quite a few players only visit this site rather than the server specific ones and go through the schlep of signing up to another site to offer an opinion. I will agree there is not much wheat and an awful lot of chaff in many of the contributions.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by HeadlessChicken86 »

__Super_6__5__ wrote:actually, i dont think i have ever played on it, they just want me to admin it. Got any tips?
1. Enable debug on server

2. Type "rcon prbot4" in chat

3. Make a step forward, hit <enter-vehicle>.

4. Press 8, then fly towards enemy team.

4. Unleash mayhem on enemy units by pressing left mouse.

5. Watch your e-penis grow in realtime with your massive amount of kills.

6. Make screenshot of ending screen, post it here and brag about your mad skills whenever you can.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by solderay »

Tommygun wrote:I too think HOG should go on a little admin recruitment drive. Today, there was a squad bug, there will be plenty more, it was not a train smash it was just a bummer as the server was reasonably full, 80 or so players having a great game and it just faded as no one could restart the server. If you can find some more Jevskis or anyone who can be around at that time. Love the server, love the admins (am i doing ok so far :) ), Id just like more of them.
On another note. I think the feedback threads here are good. I think quite a few players only visit this site rather than the server specific ones and go through the schlep of signing up to another site to offer an opinion. I will agree there is not much wheat and an awful lot of chaff in many of the contributions.
lying pumpum
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by happygoogleboy2 »

You guys need more admins right now.
=MeRk= BluFFeR
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by =MeRk= BluFFeR »

I play on HOG quite a lot, but not being able to lock squads and having to lock on fixed amounts is tedious at best.

These rules just need changing to "you must unlock squads as the server population requires it" I.e if all the squads are locked and people joining the server cannot actually join a squad start warning to unlock, it really is as simple as that.
At the moment you have Jevski sat unspawned/switching sides all day warning about locked squads rather than concentrating on real issues that matter like balancing, greifers, TKers etc which at the moment are going relatively in noticed.
Now hats off to Jevski he's following the rules and warning for it but I really do feel dedicating all your PR time doing what he is doing now and not actually playin the game sums up how pathetic the locked squad rule really is. Lighten your work load for your admins HOG, they are few and far between we all know that and these rules will only scare them off.
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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Post by happygoogleboy2 »

I'm done being patient with you slow fucks, right now there is a troll stealing apcs and killing people on your server and theres nothing we can do about it. Shit like this happens almost every second night. Either admin your server or turn it the fuck off don't leave it up and allow gentlemen to ruin a nights PR. Give me admin, if I fuck up as admin revoke it and ban me from your server. If you aren't going to give me admin (I applied like a month ago), at least have the courtesy to say no and tell me why or something. Dude also killed trans and cas choppers, fucking admin your fucking server!
Last edited by Mineral on 2017-06-30 12:51, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: other shit

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